The Beastie

In Lord of the Flies, everybody thinks that Bestie is somebody or something different. The littluns, Ralph, Simon, and Jack think it's something different other than Piggy. Piggy doesn't believe in it.

The littluns think it's a snake. Ralph think it's the littluns imagination and nightmares. Ralph believes that it's the littluns imagination. Jack doesn't care what it is because he will kill it.

But Simon said something that was interesting to me. He think it's "them." What he means about "them" is anyone on this island can mean or evil.

But in my opinion, I say that the beastie is a somebody on the island. I say this because Beastie has the word beast in it. But I also believe that Jack might be a beastie.

I say this because if you think about it, Jack's attitude has changed over the 4 chapters. He's becoming a little more crazy and has a savage extinct. In chapter 4, it said that Jack had mud or paint on his face and was jumping around for some odd reason.


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