Chapter 3

So I know I lost the kid but I made it up by helping Ralph do 2 hunts. He asked me to do one more but I didn't want to and I was lazy. We are still hunting for things that we can find on the island.

I know that Ralph is talking about the nightmares he see's with the little ones to Jack. I feel like Jack and Ralph are talking about a plan with the hunts. I don't know if I should go over there and ask them for help or stay here with the little ones.

Wait, here comes Simon!? He came over here to help us find things with the little ones. Man I hope this nightmare stops.


  1. paragraphs are a little short, a few more details would be nice but either way good job! Played the role of piggy proudly. Great job buddy!

  2. Nice blog. Your blog has some very interesting material in it.

  3. I saw some grammar mistakes but overall nice job with the essay and the pictures

  4. Just to remind you Piggy can only use "we was". But everything else in your blog is extraordinary.


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