
Showing posts from March, 2017

Conch Shell

The conch symbolizes respect, civilization, and attentiveness. The conch is important because the kids are out of control without an adult or guardian. Ralph and Piggy use it to call the boys over. In other words, they use the conch to control the kids down. It is used in the beginning in the story when they crash and discover it in the beach.

D-Day Journal

William experienced people dying and drowning. He also heard the sound of the bullets being fired at them. He could hear the people who were wounded yelling and screaming. He also experienced what sacrificing his live was at the time of D-Day. He questioned the goodness of mankind because he was in shocked that people could kill other people like that. I believe that man were born to do both because many people like being nice and other like do evil. I say this because I learned people like Adolf Hitler that killed Jewish people but at the same time, I learned that Mandela changed black people lives. I also seen people make heroic acts that would change the world. But I have also seen people do terrible acts such as kill, bomb places, etc.