
Final Entry

 Ok so this is what happened when Ralph looked up. He saw an officer and the officer told Ralph that the ship seen flames coming from the jungle. Jack and his tribe saw the officer and the officer thought that it was a fun game. Thankfully, Ralph told the officer what happened on the island. Than the officer thought to himself, "how could this group of boys have lost all reverence for the rules of civilization in short a time?" The boys went back home to safety. But, Jack was asked a few questions about what happened on the island. One question that the officer asked was, "why did you not stop them Jack?" He is asking about the night that Simon was murdered. The officer also asked Ralph why he didn't stop Jack's tribe if he was the leader. Their parents are alive. Jack and Ralph were taken to the police station for more questions. The police asked what really happened on the island. Ralph told the entire story of what happened. Then they in...

Chapter 12

I like how Ralph is thinking. He goes to the island at night so that Jack doesn't notice him. He asks the twins what Jack's plan is. Very clever Ralph. I hope that Sam and Eric doesn't tell Jack where Ralph is hiding. I can't believe that Jack set the entire forest on fire. Yes Ralph, fight against Jack. Finally, Ralph got rescued. Now he doesn't have to face Jack or Jack's tribe. Thank God that Ralph didn't die at the last minute.

Chapter 11

I did not get my glasses back from Jack yet. I can barely see anything around me. How am I supposed to get my glasses back if I can't even see where I'm walking to? These people on this island are out of control. I am going to try to remind them of the rules that we agreed to in the beginning of this meeting. Nobody is listening to me! I can't do this anymore! OMG! There is boulder that is going to hit me! Owwww! The conch! I broke the conch shell! I am bleeding rapidly and loosing strength. I can't, I can't...

Chapter 10

I can't believe what happen last night with the vicious attack they did on Simon. I can't even talk about Simon's death. I wish I could've said something Jack's tribe. This is terrible. Why is Ralph saying that we were participants in the murder of Simon? I can't believe that half of the people on the island joined Jack's tribe after what happened last night. OMG! We are being attacked by Jack's hunters. Why did they take my glasses? I know why. They took my glasses because they are going to make fire and they need my glasses to focus on the fire. I am going to get my glasses back tomorrow.

Chapter 9

I feel like Ralph and I are gaining connection between us two. Ralph and I just got an invitation from Jack to join Jack's tribe. I don't know if I want to join his tribe or not. I don't know why I just danced with Ralph and Jack's tribe. OMG! Jack's tribe is viciously beating the beast up. They are biting this beast harshly. Wow, I can't believe I just witnessed a murder. Why didn't Jack do something about it? Now I have second thoughts about joining Jack's tribe.

Chapter 8

Oh my gosh! One day I am going to take that conch and break it. This meeting was very interesting. Why does Jack want to be the leader so bad? I am glad that Jack left. He thinks that he is better than everyone in the group. I just told Ralph that we should make a new fire signal that is closer to us. I don't think that we should have one in the mountains. It is too far and we also have to climb all the way up in the mountains.

Chapter 7

Now I know where Jack, Ralph, and Simon are going to. They are going to be hunting. Looks like I will just stay here with the little ones. Wow, they aren't back yet. I wonder why they are taking so long to comeback for? They are probably going to have some food when they comeback. It's been more than 3 hours that they left and they are still not back yet. I thought they said they were gong hunting. Does hunting take that long with more than 3 people?